Saturday 10 November 2007

Back in harness

After a break from work on Charlie Cornelius, I am pleased and relieved to announce the completion of chapter 23.


Anne Brooke said...

Congrats! Completion of any stage is always a glorious thing!



Lane Mathias said...

Hurrah! Well done Graeme.
(and Charlie Cornelius is such a great name)

Graeme K Talboys said...

Ooh. Thanks. It was a struggle, but great to be able to come back to it after a break and know where everything was, so to speak.

Graeme K Talboys said...

Thanks, Lane.

Glad you like the name. Her full name is Charlotte Jennifer Grace Cornelius, but she much prefers Charlie. It fitted her character and was fortuitous as in the short story where she had her first outing, I wanted there to be ambiguity about her sex. You can have a read of that at:

Papoosue said...

Congratulations Graeme :-)

Jenny Beattie said...

Excellent news Graeme. Glad to hear you're getting on so well.